How Do I Know If My Child Needs Braces? Recognizing The Common Signs

If you’re a parent and you’re wondering if your child needs orthodontic treatment in Alexandria, you may not be sure what signs and indicators to look for. How can you tell if braces are right for your little one? In this blog from Kingstowne Dental Specialists, we’ll discuss a few of the most common signs that your child may need braces.

1. Early Or Late Loss Of Baby Teeth

This is a common indicator of orthodontic problems. The baby teeth are usually supposed to come in between the ages of 1-3. Then, they begin loosening and falling out at around the age of 6. By the time your child is around the age of 12-13, all of their baby teeth should have fallen out, and they should have all of their adult teeth. 

However, if your child’s baby teeth fall out much earlier than expected, or they remain in their mouth even when they’re supposed to fall out naturally, this could indicate oral development issues that may require braces and orthodontic treatment.

2. Misaligned Jaw & Improper Bite

If your child has issues with their jaw and bite and their teeth do not meet correctly, they may need orthodontic treatment. Common jaw and bite issues include:

  • Overbite, when the upper teeth jut outward and do not overlap properly with the lower teeth
  • Underbite, where the lower just outward and do not overlap properly with the upper teeth
  • Crossbite, where the teeth do not overlap correctly
  • Open bite, where there is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth, even when the mouth is closed

If you think that your child’s jaw or bite is irregular, it’s best to see an orthodontist like Dr. Robert Marzban for a consultation to see if they need orthodontic treatment.

3. Crowded Teeth Or Irregular Teeth Alignment

If your child’s teeth are crooked, irregular, or are very crowded and are overlapping each other, this is a sign that they may need orthodontic correction. Crowded teeth, for example, can be caused by a narrow palate that may need treatment with braces and a palate expander.

4. Prolonged Habits Like Thumb Sucking Or Mouth Breathing

Some habits developed during childhood, like thumb sucking and mouth breathing, can cause orthodontic issues. Consistent, prolonged thumb sucking that persists past the age of 2-4 can cause issues with teeth alignment and proper oral development, and mouth breathing can affect the development of the jaw and the position of the teeth. 

5. Problems With Chewing Or Biting 

If you notice that your child is having trouble chewing their food properly or biting, they may need orthodontic treatment. Signs of chewing issues include food that’s left in the mouth or that falls out of the mouth, or slow and inefficient chewing and eating.

See If Your Child Needs Braces – Contact Us For An Appointment Now! 

If you suspect your child may have oral development issues and require braces and additional orthodontic treatment, the best way to find out is with an appointment at Kingstowne Dental Specialists. As an experienced orthodontist, Dr. Robert Marzban can examine your child’s mouth, diagnose their oral health issues, and provide them with a customized treatment plan that’s perfect for their needs. Contact us online to schedule an appointment, or give us a call at (703) 493-0622. 

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